SIP Required For Desired Price With One-Time Investment And Inflation

Invested Amount :
Est. returns
SIP Amount:
Inflation of Future Value

What is a Target Calculator ?

A "Target Calculator" customizes investment recommendations considering individual lump sum investments and inflation rates. It suggests the optimal Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) amount for investors, ensuring personalized and precise financial goal planning.

How Target Calculator Helps you ?

  • Goal Achievement: They assist in setting and reaching specific financial targets, making dreams more achievable.
  • Budgeting: Facilitate budgeting and saving by breaking down the required savings into manageable contributions.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Help individuals make informed choices about their financial goals, considering inflation and investment returns.
  • Motivation: Act as a motivator by quantifying the savings needed to realize a specific financial target.

How to Use Swaraj's Target Calculator ?

  • Amount You Want to Receive in the Future:Enter the specific financial goal or amount you wish to accumulate for a future objective, such as retirement, a major purchase, or education.
  • One-Time Investment Amount:Specify the initial lump sum or one-time investment you can make to work towards your target.
  • Expected Rate of Returns:Indicate the annual rate of return you anticipate from your investments, which helps your money grow over time.
  • Rate of Inflation:Input the expected annual inflation rate, accounting for the decrease in purchasing power of your money over time.
  • Time Period:Specify the number of years or months during which you plan to achieve your financial target.
As soon as you input the value, the calculator will show you the estimated amount you can avail after your investment tenure is complete.

Advantages of Using a Target Calculator ?

Swaraj offers the best Lumpsum calculator, which provides the following advantages -

  • Goal Clarity: It provides a clear financial target to work towards, making financial planning more focused.
  • Budgeting Aid: Helps individuals create a structured budget plan to reach their financial goals.
  • Realistic Planning: Offers a realistic perspective on the financial aspects and potential affordability of the goal.
  • Savings Strategy: Assists in creating a savings and investment strategy to meet the financial target.